School Board Member Application
One of our school board members, Rol Rushman has regretfully resigned. We appreciate his service! With his resignation, a position is available. Please fill out this application in its entirety if you feel you would like to . . .
Leyton Apparel!
A Leyton apparel store has been opened! 1/4 zips and polos will be added later. Leyton Apparel Store
We are excited to announce that Leyton Public School's students will receive FREE meals for the 2024-2025 school year under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). This is for ALL students regardless of previous/current eligibility. . . .
Leyton vs Kimball Volleyball Streaming
The volleyball games in Kimball tonight will be live streamed through their YouTube channel! KIMBALL LIVE STREAMING
Student Spotlight!
Jonathon Reimers, a 5th grader in Mrs. Bartling's class, is featured in the Dec. 6, 2021 edition of Scholastic News! He wrote an opinion on the Debate it! section. The debate was, 'Should teachers assign group projects?'. His . . .
Nebraska Health Education Standards
Health Education Standards Development Information Health Education Standards Survey Local Feedback Google Form
Sports Physicals
Has your student athlete received their sports physical yet? Both Regional West and Sidney Regional are offering their services. Nurse Amy wanted to clarify to parents that Regional West will do any immunizations needed at the . . .
The link to register for the DC/NY/PHIL trip is below . If any students have questions email- . . .
2020-2021 Interim Superintendent
2020-2021 Interim Superintendent Benefits - Schedule D Contract - Interim Superintendent - Bunner
Letter from Superintendent 10.9.2020
October 9, 2020 Leyton families, I’ve fielded some questions regarding why we are requiring masks on school transportation. I’d like to take a little time to provide . . .
New Headline
Parents, here are the instructions for ordering school and sports pictures this year. There are no envelopes and everything is done on line. Follow the directions under "how to get started" and you'll be notified when your . . .
GALE RESOURCES e-BOOKS Password: warriors Mid America Books - Free Distance Learning Elementary Digital Bookshelf Prek-8 Secondary Digital Bookshelf 5-12 . . .
Activity Calendar Notifications!
Sign up for notifications about activities at Leyton Public Schools! Click HERE for the calender! Directions to subscribe/enable notifications Activity Scheduler Parent User Guide Key . . .
Title I
Title I Schoolwide Plan Title I PowerPoint for Annual Meeting 2024 Leyton School District Report Card
The Warrior Way
W e A re R espectful R esponsible I nspired O rganized R eady and S afe . . .